Vize speciala SUA emisa de ANSVSA
Pentru călătoria în USA, pe lângă paşaport şi carnetul de sănătate – vă procurăm viza specială emisă de către ANSVSA Sibiu. Documentaţia se emite cu 48 de ore înainte de data plecării. Este important să cunoaşteţi precis adresa de destinaţie şi aeroporul de îmbarcare, escală şi destinaţie, precum şi aeroportul intern de pe teritoriul USA în cazul în care combinaţi mai multe zboruri.
Importation of Pets into the United States
Pet and animal importation to the United States is subject to health, quarantine, agriculture, wildlife, and customs requirements. The many regulations and prohibitions that govern pet importation into the United States can be difficult to understand and execute. The Importation of Pets and Other Animals into the United States Information Guide was developed to help you understand the process individuals go through to bring an animal into the United States. The information package explains in detail how to import dogs, cats, birds, horses, turtles, and many others pets and exotic animals. It provides the necessary background information about federal, state, and territorial regulations in addition to how to transport your pet, as well as where and how to quarantine. It also lists embargoes on certain pets and port contacts.
Eligibility Requirements: An individual who imports an animal into the United States is responsible for his or her own visa (if not a U.S.-resident or citizen) as well as all necessary documentations for the animal. The Importation of Pets and Other Animals into the United States Information Guide contains all the necessary information one needs in order to import their pet into the country. For those requiring visa information, it is recommended to visit other sections of this website for information on entry requirements and visas. Note that both the pet/animal and the foreign national must have the necessary documentation approved prior to entering the United States.
Pour voyager en États-Unis, plus du passeport et de la carte de santé – on vous procure la vise spéciale délivrée par ANSVSA Sibiu. Les documents sont émis 48 heures avant la date de départ. Il est important savoir exactement l’adresse cible et l’aéroport d’embarquement, l’arrêt et la destination, tout comme l’aéroport national d’États-Unis si vous combinez plusieurs vols.
Visto speciale rilasciato dalla US ANSVSA
Per il viaggio negli Stati Uniti, oltre a passaporto e tessera sanitaria si procura anche il visto speciale rilasciato dal ANSVSA Sibiu. La documentazione è rilasciata con 48 ore prima della partenza. E ‘importante conoscere l’indirizzo esatto di destinazione e l’aeroporto di chiamata per l’imbarco e la destinazione e l’aeroporto nazionale negli Stati Uniti nel caso il quale dovette combinare diversi voli.